Saturday, September 19, 2009


Sunday, February 22, 2009

I went to see 'Doubt' with my sisters and a friend today. the movie is great, Meryl Streep is incredible, and is more than ably supported in her excellence by Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams. but what truly resonated and stirred me was an amazing cameo-like appearance by Viola Davis as the mother of the african-american boy who Meryl Streep's character believes is being molested by Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

In addition to the sheer briliance, depth and power of Davis' performance, my chest constricted and tears washed my cheeks as i wondered how many other mothers have had this exact struggle and challenge: who simply yearn for someone, almost anyone who will love, be gentle with, support their gay child/son (even if it is a priest who may be violating him). in the face of his father's physical abuse, and possibility of killing his own son because of his 'nature', this woman came to the conclusion that this priest's alleged molestation of her child was the lesser of two evils (plus, it was "just until June"). i sat there trying to steel myself, but the emotion, pain and tears refused to be confined and had their way, they welled up and spilled was a cathartic release.

In the midst of the newest 'gays as pariahs and source of all evil' distraction that is raging in jamaica....the simple, painful struggles of gay children, adults and their families are lost, drowned out and shrouded...again....i thank Viola Davis and playwright/screenwriter/director Patrick John Shanley for this lucid and plaintive reminder.....

P.S. Viola Davis has copped a much-deserved Oscar nomination for her performance

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